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Become Church is a multicultural ministry reaching the unchurched through inward transformation in Christ that they Become all that God has uniquely called them to be.


12:30PM Sunday AM Live

950 Shiloh Road NW

Kennesaw, GA 30144

(Adult Worship/KidZone)



@8:00PM WNL via ZOOM!

Access 402-871-8321

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Happening Weekly!

Tuesday - Thursday

6:30AM AM Prayer       

DIAL: 1-605-475-2090    

Participant Code : 849620


The vision of Become Church is Discipling the Church to meet needs wherever they are. All ministries of Become are structured around this vision and organized around our vision of Connect, Grow, Serve, and Go.  We have eight umbrella ministries: Administration, School of Discipleship, First Impressions, Become Small Groups, Pastoral Care, Community Outreach, Worship & Arts, and Youth Development.


We aim to grow larger and smaller at the same time. What that means is as the body of Become increases, we look to perpetuate the wealth of authentic relationships through intimate small group settings where each member can continue to enjoy the ability to individually get to know people, be known by others, and have mutual fellowship and accountability to one another.



In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands the disciples to “Go and make disciples of all nations”. We too have been called to make disciples who are rooted and grounded in God’s Word. Our School of Discipleship includes all of our biblically based educational programs including Wednesday Leadership Teaching, Sunday Impact Classes, Ministry Training.



Is designed to be an expression of God’s Word through song, drama, dance, media, and spoken word. Although we may use non-conventional methods, the Word of God is preeminent and uncompromised. Our pastor oftentimes uses live illustrations to bring his message to life.  We also incorporate expressive dance during worship facilitated through our Youth Unlimited Praise and Arts Teams.


The Pastoral Care Ministry will encompass the training of licensed ministers, as well as training lay leaders to coach members through crisis through compassionate ministry.



Become is highest praised for its warmth and family atmosphere and our aim is to perpetuate that impression from the time a person walks through the door. Our First Impressions Ministry includes hospitality, greeters, ushers, volunteer receptionists, parking, beautification ministries, and they exists to make a lasting, positive first impression to all who call or visit the church.

We seek to remain small while we grow larger, which means to maintain our warm atmosphere through intimate fellowship. M.O.V.E. and W.I.L.D. women’s and men’s ministry, T.E.A.M. Marriage Ministry, First Love Singles, and Seasoned Seniors ministries work cooperatively to provide church wide and small group fellowship events to allow the members to connect and network.


Visitors who wish to join Become Church are required to attend one 3-hour JOURNEY class that addresses the values, beliefs, and ministries or Become. The Mobilization Ministry is the parent ministry responsible for coaching new members through the discipleship process, becoming a spiritually mature Christian fulfilling their God-given purpose.  Our Life Care Ministry is responsible for coordinating the membership classes. It is also designed to meet the needs of the members especially assisting with baby dedications, funerals, weddings, and hospital visits. The participants in the membership class complete the S.H.A.P.E. Profile to determine where they fit in ministry. Our Volunteer Cluster is designed to plug members into the ministries that match their gifts, abilities, and calling.



The Community Outreach Ministry of Become Church oversees all outreach ministries. These ministries include:

• Benevolence
• Celebrate Recovery Network
• Church Planting Institute
• Community Outreach
• Evangelism
• Health & Wellbeing
• Homeless Ministry (Partnerships via HFTH & MUST)

• Missions
• Special Community Events


Some of the outreach ministries that began within Become Church are now managed by a separate 501-3(c), Bethany Mentoring Inc. This allows Become to partner with external organizations and expand its vision well beyond its “four walls”.



  • Annual Mother/Daughter Tea

  • Boys to Men - 2015

  • Girl Scout Troop 12153

  • Youth Unlimited – An outreach to youth and young adults that champion’s their potential through God’s Word.  Such outreach is accomplished by biblical mentorships that are evangelistic, enriching, equipping, and empowering. External leadership summits, conferences, and leadership training is made possible for these youth and young adults through this ministry.



God has called Become to “train up our children in the way they should go”. Our Youth Development Ministry is a dynamic ministry that works with youth from ages 0-21 years old. By including all youth under one umbrella, we are able to properly transition our youth through the major developmental stages of life. Our KidZone Ministry works with children 0 – 5th grade. The Student Impact encompasses the middle and high school students. And First Love is the Young Adult Ministry. KidZone and Student Impact youth have their own worship encounter times that teaches God’s Word on their age and spiritual levels. As a result, there are many youth who have led their parents to the church and to Christ.



M.O.V.E. (Men Of Virtue, Vision, Valor Everywhere) that is comprised of all men who would like to meet other believers as themselves and be encouraged in the Word, and prayer. We meet every 3rd Saturday 8AM at various off-site locations announced during our Adult Worship times or within our Face Book Group page.


W.I.L.D. (Women Winning, Innovating, and Leading as a disciple) that is comprised of all women who would like to meet other believers as themselves and be encouraged in the Word, and prayer. We meet every 2nd Saturday 8AM at a very quaint J. Christophers off-site in the Town Center Mall area.

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The following are a collection of ministries that can be found at Become Church at a glance. We pray if you choose to make Become Church your home church, that you prayerfully consider becoming involved or serving in one of these dynamic ministries alongside a team of other eager members like yourself.

Visit US!

 950 Shiloh Road

Kennesaw, GA  30144


T: 770.904-9010

F: 678-771-3308

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P.O. Box 476

Kennesaw, GA 30156


© 2015 by

Become Church

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AHA! Creative Solutions

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